Friday, September 4, 2009

Club Penguin September 2009 catalog cheats

Hey Everyone, Theres a new penguin style catalog here today. So go and dress your penguin up with some new clothes! And guess what – you can buy a laptop for 1800 coins!
1. log onto club penguin
2. go to the town
3. click on the catalog in the botom right coner

Here is how to find the Black Bowtie:
1. go to the 2nd page of the catalog
2. Click on the mouse in the bottom left coner

Here is how to find the Red Viking Helmet:
1. Click over to the 7th page of the penguin style catalog
2. Click the inside of the piano

Here is how to find the Blue Viking Helmet
1. Stay on the 7th page of the catalog
2. Click on the inside of the piano
3. Open and close the red viking helmet 4 times

so there you go.

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